Categories IZON FOOD

NUR Thai in Astoria

NurThai is a hidden gem nestled in the bustling of Astoria. This authentic Thai restaurant offers delightful experience for both locals and visitors alike. From the moment you step foot inside, you are greeted with warm hospitality and a cozy ambiance.

The menu at NurThai is a culinary journey through the flavors of Thailand. From traditional favorites like Pad Thai and Green Curry to unique dishes infused with local ingredients, there is something to satisfy every palate. Each dish is crafted with skill and precision, ensuring a memorable dining experience. Look at the pictures of the following dish I got to try my foodie community.

Spicy Golden Red Snapper with white rice
LemonGrass Mock Duck

One of the standout features of NurThai is its commitment to using fresh, high-quality ingredients. The chefs source ingredients locally whenever possible, resulting in vibrant flavors that truly showcase the essence of Thai cuisine. Whether you’re a fan of spicy dishes or prefer something milder, there are plenty of options to choose from


The inviting atmosphere at NurThai makes it a great place for any occasion. Whether you’re planning a romantic dinner for two or gathering with friends and family, the friendly staff will make you feel right at home. The attention to detail and personalized service ensure that your dining experience is nothing short of exceptional.

In addition to its stellar food and welcoming ambiance, NurThai also takes pride in its community involvement. The restaurant actively supports various charitable initiatives, giving back to the Astoria community and beyond. By dining at NurThai, not only will you enjoy a delicious meal, but you will also contribute to these meaningful causes.

If you’re looking to embark on a culinary adventure and discover the flavors of Thailand, NurThai in Astoria is the perfect destination. Immerse yourself in a world of bold spices, aromatic herbs, and unforgettable flavors. Whether you’re a Thai food enthusiast or just curious to try something new, NurThai will exceed your expectations and leave you craving for more.