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Gwyneth Paltrow in conversation at Advertising Week

Gwyneth Paltrow, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Goop, sat down with Harry Kargman, Founder and CEO of Kargo, to discuss her career pivot, “The Politician,” advice for entrepreneurs, and also hinted the content of Goop’s upcoming Netflix docuseries. We’ve included quotes and photos below – please let us know if this fits into your coverage plans. Thanks!

When asked for advice on how entrepreneurs can live their best live, Gwyneth shared, “I would just say speak your truth at all costs. It’s so important – and you can do it really nicely and really diplomatically  – if you are articulating what is really true for you.”“I married a TV writer…he’s fantastic but he sort of dragged me back to the old job,” Gwyneth said about her new TV show, “The Politician,” “It’s good…It’s funny, it has got a very specific tone and I really like it, I think it’s really good.”

On her career as an actress, Gwyneth said, “I wouldn’t say I’m that passionate about it anymore…I have had a lot of good luck and a lot of hard work, which led to a really good film career…at a certain point I felt like it wasn’t what I wanted to do …so I did a little pivot.”

“I really want Goop to have a much bigger legacy than I did as a celebrity,” Gwyneth said about her infamous brand. “We try to break rules and do things our own way, but always very authentically.” She also mentioned that Goop has a new Netflix docuseries coming out, and although she couldn’t share too much, she hinted it will definitely include, “Deeper dives into subjects you’ve heard about on Goop…[and] Goop staffers trying different healing modalities.”Gwyneth discussed her successes but also highlighted that her journey has not been without slip-ups, “I’ve made every mistake in the book…it’s been definitely trial by fire… You have to make mistakes, we all make mistakes every single day of our lives, [but] it’s what makes you a good entrepreneur and an interesting person… it’s only a mistake if you resist it, try to listen to what the universe is telling you.”

When Harry asked Gwyneth her thoughts on controversy, she discussed how in the past, she had been called a witch for doing yoga, how people had taken up issue with her gluten-free cookbook, her trepidation to monetize Goop, and other aspects of her lifestyle she had been criticized for before they had become mainstream, but despite the haters, she stated, “I’ve come to see that my instincts are good and right, and sometimes ahead of the curve…and it’s a good thing.”



  • Photo Credit: AWNewYork/Shutterstock