Have you ever been somewhere and your phone died right when you were about to take the perfect selfie? Have you been at amazing concert and wanted to go live so everyone could sing along but, then you get the annoying low battery message flashing across your screen? Have you been to a networking event and as soon as you go to hand over your phone to get an amazing contact that could take you to the next level, your phone won’t even light up and you are out of luck because, let’s face it; who even carries business cards or memorizes numbers anymore? Well, thanks to Electric Standard dead smartphones, tablets and ipads are a thing of the past!

Electric Standard takes teching to the next level with its innovative product. They offer two types of portable chargers that are the definition of power on the go! The Cassette comes in black and is a steal for only $30.00 and the Premium which comes in white for just $60.00 there is no way that you can loose buying either product. Both chargers have the capability to service Androids and Iphones. The Cassette has comes with the standard lightning charger and a MICRO USB charger. The Premium also has two USB ports along with the standard lighting charger and the MICRO USB charger. Electric Standard’s mission is to keep you connected.

IZON Magazine held an amazing event on Thursday October 25, 2018 at The Lately in the Meatpacking District of NYC. Electric Standard was one of our amazing sponsors. They helped us make the night a great success! As the holiday season approaches we definitely encourage you to get gifts that your family and friends will enjoy and be able to use. The Cassette and The Premium are amazing stocking stuffer ideas and can be gifted to anyone from your boss to your teenage kid. Everyone needs to be connected and you can’t stay connected with a dead battery! Do yourself a favor and take your teching to the next level with

Creative Director: John Patrick

Writer: Trystan Fields-Newton

Photographer: Phillip.junor

Stylist: Keenan

Hair Stylist: Agostylist1

Makeup Artist: Stacey Araujo

Venue: The Lately