Recap At Tribeca Film Festival Hosted by Saidu Tejan-Thomas Jr. & guest a poetry reading by Dominique Christina

On Saturday June 12th, during Resistance’s live recording at the 2021 Tribeca Film Festival, poet and author Dominique Christina shared the name of a Black woman who might have remained nameless had she not been on a quest to elevate the ancestors. The woman, Pamela Echols, is widely known, but not by name. In 1967 when riots erupted in Milwaukee in response to unfair housing laws, lack of employment opportunities and police misconduct, a then nameless Pamela, was photographed during a physical altercation with a police chief. Though that photograph is one we’ve seen time and time again the backstory has always been largely unknown. Through her poetry Christina reimagines the events that led up to Pamela’s extraordinary action.

Written By: Ashley Williams