Categories TECH TRIBE

CES 2023 Global Stage For Innovation

Welcome to IZON Original pod called “ Tech Tribe” is the latest trends and innovations in technology and how it affect your daily life, the way you live, and connect. Whether you are looking for news, reviews, tips, interviews, or insights, this show for you.


Get ready to be immersed! Check out the latest in immersive experience, including AR/VR and home entertainment. Immersive entertainment is a form of experiences that uses digital technology to create a simulated or enhanced reality that engages that user’s senses and emotions. Immersive entertainment can have various benefits for users and brands, such as increasing engagement, enhancing creativity, improving learning, and creating memorable experiences.

A look at the innovations that created the most buzz at the most influential tech event in the world.

Food tech featured advancements that will change agriculture, nutrition, vertical farming and more. Food tech is a term that refers to the use of digital tech to improve the production, processing, distribution, and consumption of food. Food tech can have various applications and benefits, such as enhancing food safety, quality, nutrition, sustainability, convenience, and personalization. Food tech can also create new business opportunities and innovations for food entrepreneurs, companies, and consumers.

An exclusive look at the eye-catching products and innovative tech from CES.