IZON got the opportunity to attend the premier of “CONVERSION” this Thursday 17th.

Truth is we weren’t ready to watch such a beautiful film, and also so interesting. We stand by the LGBTQ+ community and it makes such difference when you understand what they go through. It’s pretty different when you don’t know, you know the “eyes that don’t see, heart that don’t feel” quote. Translated ” Ojos que no ven, Corazón que no siente”.

Exactly like that we felt after watching such a moving documentary, where some of the LGBTQ+ community shared their experiences throughout this film. It’s so different when we don’t really know what is behind all these “freedom” we are seeing now, that even though is not full freedom we can say they are beginning to have the rights they deserved, but still are walking step by step and fighting to have equality.

There is so much behind every LBGTQ+ community, a big war they went through before feeling a little bit like they are now, like the little taste of freedom.

This documentary talks about the war they went through in “CONVERSION THERAPY”, and it’s all about survival and hope. And the interesting part of it is that this started when Zach Meiners, the director of the movie, discovered that his conversion therapist was still on practice.

This film immerse us through a cinematic journey of 5 people that went through different conversion therapies. They talk about what they went through and their mission is that this next generations don’t go through the same.

It’s a must watch documentary, so interesting and moving we dropped tears at the end. Not only do the LGBTQ+ community should watch it, but every single person. It empathizes with them and you get to understand their path.

Grateful for attending the premier, we suggest every one of our readers to go watch it and support this community.

Photo. Getty images.